If you, the reader, have a sickness or ailment of any kind, this is your moment of truth.

Listen to this story.

The Apostles, Peter and John, came across a man at the gate of the temple. This man had been lame since birth. This is what Peter said to the lame man.  “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I to you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” (Acts 3:6)

Peter then took the man by his right hand and lifted him up and immediately the lame man’s feet and ankle bones were strengthened and the man started running about, leaping and praising God.

The people who were around saw what happened and they marvelled at what they had just witnessed, for they had knowledge of the man’s condition of lameness.

Peter then addressed the people and, with reference to Jesus, said, “And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom you see and know: yes, the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:16)

Now note this; the lame man had to have been a believer, for he was running around praising God after being healed. He just did not know that it was possible for him to be healed. Now what did Peter say? He said that the man was healed by “the faith which is by him”, meaning, by the faith of Jesus. Peter used his own unwavering faith in the faith of Jesus for the healing of the lame man.

The lame man did not know that healing was included in what happened on the cross, for it was not yet written. But you, as a believer, do know that healing was included. This means that you can, in the name of Jesus and by your faith in the faith of Jesus in you, talk to the sickness/ailment in your body and command it to leave.

Peter had to forcibly lift the healed man to prove to him that he was healed, otherwise the man might just have lain there, remaining in unbelief. Likewise, once you have claimed your healing, try and do what you could not do before while praising God. It is a matter of speaking and then activating. Thereafter, boldly declare that you are, in fact, healed – whether it was a sickness in your body, a painful back or a swollen knee.

You are able to do this because the life which you now live in the flesh you live by the faith of the Son of God, who loves you, and gave himself for you.

Want proof that you now live by the faith of Jesus?

Gal. 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

So, when it comes to healing, God has already done the work. All that you have to do is to believe it and appropriate it.

If you are a true follower of Jesus and you do not gossip with ill intent and have no hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart towards others, then there should be no reason for you not to be healed. “But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from there: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;” (Matt. 12:15)

Imagine standing under an apple tree bearing beautiful, juicy apples. You would love to just pluck one but you need permission from the owner of the tree to do so. Just then the owner of the tree comes along and says, “Go ahead, pluck an apple and enjoy it.”

Likewise, through His Word, God has made it clear that healing is yours to receive. saying to you that you have already been healed through Jesus and that you may go ahead and take your healing, just like you took that apple. You have full permission from God to do so.

Plucking and eating that apple gave you joy because of your fellowship with the owner of the apple tree. We are told that we are heirs together with Christ to be blessed and enjoy fellowship with God who has put in writing to us. “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” (1John 1:4)

You may, therefore, declare: “In the Name of Jesus I receive healing of this (name the problem) that my Lord Jesus provided for me on the Cross.”

Remember, you have spoken it; now activate it. Continue to confirm that you have been healed regardless of how you feel. It’s not the feeling that you wanted healed. It is the sickness/disease you wanted removed from your body. The feeling will follow the healing.

It is your faith in the faith of Jesus so that “your joy may be full.”

Are you now ready to start dancing and praising the Lord?

One last thing. It is fully understandable that we tend to accept, at an older age, a deterioration of bodily functions as a matter of course, but this should not stop us from seeking relief from ill health, by the faith of Jesus, until our very last breath.

“Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1Peter 2:24)

Your spirit is alive and well and doing all the talking

It is only natural for us to use pronouns to refer to ourselves or others in the words we speak, as in, “I don’t know what I’ll be doing tomorrow, but I know what you will be doing.”

Who does the “I” or the “you” refer to in any sentence where we use these pronouns? Better still, who is doing the talking when words come out of our mouths? It is certainly not our body or our brain nestled between our ears doing the talking. The words we speak emanate from our spirit, which constitutes our life – the real “you” or “me”.

The source of your words
The words of our spirit come out of our mouth because our mouth is the “funnel” through which our spirit speaks. Your brain can be likened to a highly sophisticated spirit-powered physical engine room linked to your spirit and on continual standby for instructions from your spirit. Your brain has no say in any matter – it does what your spirit tells it to do.

Your spirit uses your brain to animate your body in line with the thoughts and actions taking place in your spirit. If your spirit decides to turn thoughts into words, it will trigger the speech center of your brain to release the words and perhaps also instruct your brain to be impactful by using body language as you speak.

Read more: Your spirit is alive and well and doing all the talking

Let’s put it into perspective and consider the following scenarios.
People sitting together at a table having a chat are human spirits having a chat.

Business executives having a board meeting are human spirits having a board meeting.

Courtrooms are filled with human spirits deliberating on the fate of those human spirits accused of crimes against other human spirits.

Members of Parliament are elected human spirits representing the human spirits of those who elected them.

A person driving a car is a human spirit driving a car.

 A housewife doing grocery shopping is a human spirit doing grocery shopping and perhaps filling her basket with too many unhealthy items for consumption by the physical bodies of her family.

Your human spirit probably resembles your human body which, in turn, is very likely to resemble the likeness of your lineage and their DNA make-up.

Your intellect, emotions and memories are the products of all the information ever absorbed throughout your lifetime and are firmly embedded in your spirit and, in essence, reflect the unique personality and character of your soul.

The Chief Executive Officer of your spirit
Your spirit has another component known as your mind, the ‘chief executive officer’ of your spirit.  And it is this spiritual mind of yours that determines the choices you make and the quality of your relationship with others. Your brain is merely the physical servant of your spirit and the mind of your spirit instructs the speech center of your brain to release the words of your spirit through your mouth. To put it plainly, your spirit speaks through your mouth and the content of your words is determined by the mind of your spirit.

The emotions of the spirit
The Bible speaks of a troubled spirit; an anguished spirit; a jealous spirit; a hardened spirit; a sorrowful spirit; a contrite spirit; a broken spirit; a steadfast spirit; a hasty spirit; a provoked spirit; a haughty spirit; a humble spirit; a vexed spirit; a patient spirit; a proud spirit; a heavy spirit and many more expressions to do with emotions.

This certainly serves to prove that the spirit part of the human make-up forms the conscious, living part of man and determines the words of our mouth. This is where your mind plays a huge role. Some people (human spirits) tend to be vindictive, argumentative and self-entitled and it is the spiritual human mind that decides to display this side of the spirit’s personality to fellow human spirits. Your mind can either be a powerhouse of love, compassion, achievement and success or a powerhouse of the exact opposite.

So, the next time you start a sentence beginning with “I”, remember who is about to do the talking. May the words of our spirit (heart) be worthy of being heard by the spirits of those around us.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)

Living in Eternity while Anchored in Time

Every person experiencing life on Planet Earth should look upon their terrestrial sojourn as but a brief stopover. That stopover can last for about 70 years or more. Sadly, for many, the stopover does not last long at all. What kind of a stopover are we talking about? It is a stopover in a place called time.

If it is a stopover, then the journey must have commenced elsewhere for it to be a stopover. And if it is a stopover, then it must continue in the same place or realm where it started. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Eccl. 12:7)

Our journey had a starting place
Everyone’s journey started in eternity – the realm of no time, the realm where God resides. We existed within the Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the entire universe, including Planet Earth, before we were given a passage to earth. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.” (Jer. 1:5)

Our appointed time for the release of our infant spirits into physical bodies for the beginning of our stopover in time was determined by God. To live in time required the addition (covering) of flesh and bone. Speaking of his spirit, Job said, “Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.” (Job 10:11)

Read more: Living in Eternity while Anchored in Time

The determining factor
During our stopover the combination of our THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS become the determining factor as to the direction we take upon re-entry into the realm of no time, the spiritual realm. That spiritual realm is split into the spiritual realm of life and the spiritual realm of death. The latter does not put an end to one’s existence and consciousness as a living entity. The term ‘death’

is merely a description denoting a place of condemnation for eternity in the spirit realm.

Should our THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS match the THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS of Jesus Christ as a result of our submission to and faith in him because of His death and resurrection for the redemption of the human race, then the stopover in time takes on a whole new meaning. In fact, it is no longer a stopover for those of the Christian faith, but rather an early move to the spiritual realm while anchored in time. This means that we become resident in two places at the same time – we are living in eternity while anchored in time.

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us TOGETHER with Christ (by grace ye are saved), and has raised us up TOGETHER, and made us sit TOGETHER in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” (Eph 4: 2-6)

We have two spiritual feet in heaven and two physical feet on earth
If we are spiritually seated in heavenly places together with Christ, even while we are physically present on earth, then our conduct, wherever we find ourselves, should be as if we are conducting ourselves right before the sight and hearing of Jesus. “For our conversation is in heaven”. (Phil. 3:20). In other words, when you speak to anyone – whether it is a fellow student, a work colleague or your spouse – you should converse with them as if you are seated right there in that heavenly place, with Jesus overhearing your every word. We should live our lives in constant awareness of this.

This means that our lives are lived both in heaven and on earth at the same time. Therefore, whatever we say is heard, simultaneously, in heaven, between heaven and earth, and on earth.

Did you know that you became one spirit with Jesus and that is why you are able to be there, in the heavenly realm, with him? “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” (1Cor. 6:17)

We are citizens of heaven with a duty on earth
Our citizenship is in Heaven, but we have a job to do on earth. We are the Body of Christ, which is in Heaven and on earth. We are in SPIRITUAL UNION with

Christ for as long as we remain in our physical bodies on earth. Our empowerment comes through the Holy Spirit Who has placed us in the Kingdom of God. And that Kingdom is within us. This is how we can be both in Heaven and on earth at the same time. We are already seated in Heaven where Christ is and Christ is wherever we are on earth.

Clearly, we are already living in eternity while anchored in time. And the only reason for us being anchored in time is so that we can carry out the commission given to us by Him as per Mark 16:15-20. In reality, we are carrying out our commission from our ‘Head Office’ in Heaven. There is room in the Kingdom for everyone, but not everyone wants to return to their place of origin.

Jesus is the pilot Light of power within us.
Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore,” (Mt 28:18,19).

What is the absolute staggering meaning of this statement by the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings? It means that we who are already living in eternity while anchored in time have that power and authority living within us, “therefore” we are to ”go” knowing that Christ in us is the Head and we are the Body. Our body is His body – our hands are His hands.

And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mark 16:20)

Remember, we are seated “TOGETHER in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” and we are anchored in this place of time for the purpose of “the Lord working with them.” The “them” is ‘us’.

Let’s look at the full picture.
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)

If we do not “Go” and actually do what is commanded as per the abovementioned, then the Lord cannot work with us and through us. Allowing Jesus to work through us means that many will come to salvation.

What then would be the point of us living in eternity while anchored in time? If we do not believe Jesus’ command to us to be possible, then how can we believe anything the Bible has to say? Could there be a reason for us to be doubtful? Yes, it could be one of two reasons or both. The first one is pride and the second one is because our THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS are no different than that of those still on an ordinary stopover in time.

We need to renew our minds to the truth and be worthy of both our calling and our salvation. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Rom. 12:2)

Those who are on a rudderless stopover in time are in need of Good News. The Good News can only come from those who know they are already living in eternity while anchored in time.

Let’s make our stopover count.